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International/Open Bible

[Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] The Faith Checkup at the Present Day

Welcome to Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible.


The following article has been written according to SCJ Open Bible.
Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God's word
and to lead them to a deeper faith.

[Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible]

The Faith Checkup at the Present Day

Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35),

everyone’s deeds will be judged according to what is written in the book
(Rev 20:12).

Catholicism emerged from Judaism, and Protestantism emerged from Catholicism. Now Protestants have splintered into many denominations.
Each claim to be orthodox and to have received the Holy Spirit.
Can this be true?

Jesus asked whether or not he would find faith on the earth when he returns
(Lk 18:8).
The Bible says that all nations have been deceived and have married the devil
(Rev 18:23).
It says the sun, moon and stars will darken and fall (Mt 24:29; Rev 6:12-13),
Jerusalem will be destroyed (Mt 24), and that the second coming will be like
the days of Lot and the days of Noah (Mt 24:37-39).
Can anyone say that they the only orthodox people who are saved after reading
these passages?
The prophecies of Revelation say that no one who adds to or takes away from
the book of Revelation's prophecy can enter the kingdom of heaven
(Rev 22:18-19).
I would like to ask one question to everyone who claims to be saved.
Do you truly know and understand Revelation without adding to it or taking away from it? If you do not, how can you claim to be saved or to be orthodox?
Jesus said in Rev 10 and Rev 22:16 that he sends his angel to testify
about these things for the churches.
Who else, apart from this angel of Jesus, can testify about Revelation?

If you met Jesus’ angel(messenger), would you listen to him,
or persecute him as a heretic?
You can fool men, but you cannot fool God.
Let us become honest believers.
Let us repent, understand the truth, believe, and be saved.
People who have learned only the teachings of men cannot understand
the word of revelation that is taught by the Holy Spirit.
Just as Jesus and his disciples were persecuted in the time of the first coming,
these people persecute the angel(messenger) sent by Jesus
by calling him a cult leader.
Today, this one angel(messenger) sent by Jesus has come into the world
(Rev 10; Eze 2-3).


      Source : The correcting understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
                    - the New Heaven and  New Earth

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    "Time for your faith checkup!"