Welcome to Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible.
The following article has been written according to SCJ Open Bible.
Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God's word
and to lead them to a deeper faith.
[Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] Sin and Life
In the days of Adam who received the breath of life from God,
people were able to live for almost 1,000 years (Ge 5).
Now that roughly 6,000 years have passed,
the average life span of people at the present day is about 70 ~ 80 years.
What is the reason for a short life span?
According to the Bible, God, who is the source of life, left Adam’s world (Ge 6)
and will only return to the new heaven and the new earth
- SCJ, Shinchonji, 신천지, 新天地 (Isa 65:17-25; Rev 21:1-3).
The Bible also testifies that Adam’s world had to face death
when God left his people (Ge 3:19), however, God's people will enjoy longevity
in the place to which God returns - SCJ (Rev 21:1-4).
God left Adam’s world because of sin.
He could only return after the problem of sin was resolved by Jesus’ cross.
If the new heaven and the new earth, which were prophesied in Isa 65,
appear in Rev 21, then that is when people will again enjoy longevity —
beginning in the time of Revelation’s fulfillment.
At that time, death will no longer reign as king,
but life will be victorious over death and reign as king (1 Co 15:51-54; Rev 20:6).
James 1:15 says, “After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin,
and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
Thus, death is the result of sin.
The people of Adam’s generation were able to live almost 1,000 years
because of the breath of life they received from God in the beginning.
As time went by, however, the hereditary sins of their ancestors
and people’s personal sins piled up on top of Adam’s original sin.
This accumulation of sin caused the breath of life to fade away
and their life-expectancy to fall to 70-80 years.
This dramatic decrease is obvious just by looking at the genealogies in the Bible
beginning with Adam.
If sin increases, life decreases. This proves if sin is taken away, life increases.
When people’s sins are washed away, God can finally return to us.
Since God is the source of life, his return will surely bring life back to us,
adding years to our lives.
Therefore, Jesus bore the cross to resolve the fundamental problem of sin
(Isa 53; Jn 1:29).
Jesus bore the cross, which signifies death, on our behalf
and he died as a ransom for us.
By believing in this, our debts (sins) are nullified; we are redeemed from death.
This is the new covenant established through Jesus’ blood
(Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-20).
God, the source of life, will be with those who keep this new covenant
(Heb 8:10-13).
Jesus has life in himself because he had no sin and God dwelled within him
(Jn 1:1-14; Jn 5:24-26).
Since Jesus bore the cross, he has been dwelling within us (Jn 14:20; Rev 3:20).
That means we have life and will be blessed with a long life.
If anyone desires to be freed from sin and to enjoy longevity,
please join us in Shinchonji.
I sincerely pray that all of us will be blessed by serving God and Jesus in SCJ.
Source : The correcting understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
- the New Heaven and New Earth
2012/02/24 - [International/English] - [Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible]
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