
[Lee Man-Hee, Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible] Fulfillment of the East Travels to the West (4)

알 수 없는 사용자 2012. 8. 1. 00:47

[Lee Man-Hee, Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible]
Fulfillment of the East Travels to the West (4)
동성서행 (東成西行)

The reality of the new covenant that has been fulfilled
in the ends of the earth, the East, is spread to Europe.
The work of the fulfillment of the East travelling to the West,
giving life to the thirst land of Europe.


Thoughts and Impressions on the first 10 days of European Visit
for Shinchonji (SCJ) Open Bible Seminar
- By Lee Man-Hee, Chariman of Shinchonji Church of Jesus ( May 30, 2012 )

  <   Oct. 5, 2008 - The 5th Shinchonji National Olympiad >

Prophecies have come to an end,
the world (of Christianity) has come to an end, and
the pastors and the congregation members also have come to an end.
A new era has begun where God and heaven come to dwell on
Shinchonji (SCJ) twelve tribes, that is purchased by the blood of the Lord.
Let us all greet the Lord and live together in heaven with God.
The Lord is one and the Bible is one.
The purpose of our faith is also one.
That is, the same God, the same hope, the same heaven and eternal life.
We are all brothers and sisters, one family
who received the same seed from God.
We must love one another as the Lord loves us.
We must forgive, love, and bless one another.

We are the people of heaven who received atonement of sin
by the same blood of Jesus,
and who have been born again with the same seed, the same spirit.
Therefore, let us work together for good (Rom 8:28),
fulfill beautiful heaven on earth as His will is fulfilled in heaven (Mt 6:10),
and pray wanting to live together with God and Jesus,
praising them eternally.
Let us also pray for one another.
Let us serve without any national boundaries
by having a good heart, good thoughts and Truth,
and fulfill religious independence, world peace, and unification.

Let us walk with God and teach with the knowledge of the Truth,
becoming the holy kings of the strongest kingdom
through the path of righteousness and justice.
The day is not far away when the pastors of various countries in the world
will be invited to Mount Zion in the Republic of Korea.



Shinchonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

Broadcast: The Altar of Truth, SCJ TV   

Homepage: Healing All Nations
                 The City of Truth, Beautiful Shinchonji

             "Shouldn't we have the same God, the same hope, 
                                                 the same heaven and eternal life?"